GUPS General Secretary pays a working visit to MIG SRC executives and administrators,discusses way forward.

As part of the reorganization and restructuring of the noble Ghana Union of professional students, the general secretary, Hon Eric Murphy Asare together with Hon Edwin Freiku Erasmus, Selection Board Member on GUPS Award Committee and former president of Kessben University paid a working visit to the multimedia institute of Ghana to congratulate the newly sworn into office executives and the administration.

On a round table discussion with the newly elected executives, the general secretary extended a congratulatory message from the Union’s president, Emily Jemima Nyarko and her assurance of working together with them to achieve the goal of the Union.

He noted that the Union is committed to working with the new executives and the entire students of the Institute to foster unity among the member institutions.

He explained the hierarchy of the Union according to the Unions constitution based on Article 6 of the GUPS constitution and asked that they actively get involved in the activities of the Union.

Furtherly, he touched on the GUPS Connect app application and asked that students download the app to their benefits since the app has been adopted by the ministry of education and opportunities are abound.

He explained the Presidents vision to increase the existing membership of the union which needs a collaborative effort to achieve the target.

He therefore assured them of the Union’s support and encourage them to initiate policies that will improve the livelihood of the students.

After a brief inter-questions and answers session, the team met with the administrators of the institute to discuss financial freedom for the council and how the council can effect changes on adding up to the population of the institute.

According to the general secretary, it’s time the council have its own bank account in order to manage the councils finances.

Mr Freiku, advised them to take conscious effort to improve upon what their predecessors did and charged them to be proactive in their respective duties.

The president, H.E Patrick Addy Opoku thanked the general secretary and his team for making time out of their busy schedules to visit the school.

He assured the Union of his total commitment and support on behalf of all his executives.

He describes the visit as an unexpected and first of its kind and said this will go a long way of establishing a longstanding relationship with the Union.

Presents at the meeting we’re

GUPS General Secretary – Hon Eric Murphy Asare

GUPS select board member – Hon Edwin Freiku Erasmus

H.E Patrick Addy Opoku – MIG President

H.E Alberta Asare-Baffour- Vice President

Hon. Yasmin Dauda -Deputy women’s commissioner

Hon Andy Kwateng – PRO

Hon Deborah Mensah – External affairs president

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